Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Playing from the "Women's" Tees

At our club, we have 6 tee boxes all the way from the "tips" to the red tees.  Informally,  the white tees are the "senior" tees and the red tees are designated as "the ladies'" tees.  There are variations on this.  I have seen, and I much prefer this, that the tees be designated by handicap.  But, of course,  you have to take into account slope
and rating when choosing which one to play.  On an unfamilair course, I always choose the forward tees (I am a 16 after all).  But back to the red tees.  A few years ago a writer from one of the golf magazines wanted to find out just how well he could play if he played  from the ladies' tees.  Usually playing from one of the "men's" tees, not the tips, he would normally shoot an 85-88.  Well, he speculated that because he was so much closer he might be able to shoot his lowest score ever.  Albeit from the ladies' tees and, therefore, not a "lowest score EVER".  So, he tees it up at the red tees with all the other guys hootin' and hollerin', "put it in the hole!"  Well, what he found out was that his wedge game wasn't so terrifc.  Instead of a driver off the tee, he used a hybrid or iron and then had to use a variation of wedges into the greens.  Didn't go so well.  He shot an 88.  Here is a very very funny video about a guy hitting from the "ladies' tees"...

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