Thursday, July 26, 2012

We Need Volunteers!

It is the job of the vice-president of our women's golf association to get all of the volunteers for the up coming year.  Sometimes it's easy...sometimes, well, nearly impossible.  I work, I have kids, I travel, I'm here only 3 months out of the year, I've volunteered every year for 10 years! Enough already!
etc etc etc.  We need to fill 19 volunteer positions each year.  Some women LOVE being in charge and will do something for multiple years.  I love cooking and food, to my detriment, so I was hospitality chair for 3 years.  I set up all of the food functions for our group.  Here is a list of our volunteer positions.  You might find you would want to add one of these:

*Birdie Board and Par Stars:  Par Stars is for our 9 hole group.  I think most women's groups have some sort of recognition for birdies and eagles.  I've never done this but I was amazed at the thinking that went in to the actual "board"...
*Informal guest days:  we have two of these a year where you can invite a guest to play and all you pay for is lunch.
*Halloween tournament:  run by our 9 hole group.  We play only 9 holes but everyone dresses in costume and we play fun games.  A good time is had by all.
*Handicap Manager:  The bad girl.  Checks once a month to make sure everyone, on a particular day they played, actually posted their score. 
*Couples' Holiday Dinner Party: A time to celebrate the season with our spouses.  Drinks, music and dinner.
*Hospitality:  explained above
* Exchange days:  We belong to a league consisting of 10 private courses where once a year we are all invited to play at a minimal cost in a "cat fight" format. 
*Member/Guest: Big Job
*Member Member:  Big Job
*Membership: We have a lady who keeps track of membership, dues, sends out applications, and renewal notices.
*9 Hole Liaison and Interclub:  Our 9 hole group is considered an entity of our organization, therefore, they have a member on our board, our secretary position.  She also is in charge of setting up exchange days with other 9 hole groups.
*Photography:  Gotta have all of those sweaty winning faces from all of the tournament winners as well as cocktail parties.
*Recruitment: Usually done by all board members.  See a new club member?  Swoop.  Have you heard about our women's organization?
*Business Women's Saturday:  They play on Saturday the game we played on Weds., and therefore, can compete in the same games.
*Scrapbook:  Not me, babe.  But we have some excellent scrapbookers within our mist and they are always ready to chronicle our golfing year in our yearbook.
*Senior Liaison:  We play two scrambles a year with our senior men's group.  Always great fun.
*Sunshine:  Sends out cards or flowers to the ill or to a deceased's  family.
*Team Play:  Big Job.  Match play competition against 10 other clubs with an overall winner at the end of the year.  Tough matching up personalities and trying to get people to play.
*Yearbook: In charge of organizing, revising, and publishing our golf association's yearbook.  Big job.

So, there you have it.  Hope it's all helpful.

A Woman Who Loves Golf

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