Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Golf Coordinator or Our COO

I've been our golf coordinator now for about 6 weeks.  The job really entails getting the season started by setting up the calendar, setting up each play day and what the game will be, juggling tournaments with the men's events and club events,
getting play day sheets printed, sign in sheets printed, ringer book set up, and attendance sheets ready.  The reason for all of these sheets is for our annual year end awards luncheon.  The ringer book will tell us how many birdies or eagles someone has had, had many days they've played and then we have a "ringer" award.  At the end of the year I will look at each player, hole by hole,  for each day played and take out their best score on that hole, then proceed to the next and so on and so on.  This way the girls can really see what they could possibly score based on their ringer scores.  Then we give an award for the best 18 hole ringer score. The lady with the most birdies gets an award as well as our "iron" woman award for playing the most playdays.  We also have a "most improved" award. I will also work with the tournament chairs to set formats and do pairings.  I hear the hardest part is actually taking the time to go over all of the game cards to make sure they are scored correctly.  Sounds like loads of fun...

Our first play day is tomorrow and I've gotten the first sign- in sheets to the pros as well as the newly revamped ringer book. Since I've instituted some new games, I'm going over them with our pro-liaison, luckily for us, a woman.  For example, we're going to play Left Right Center.  It's a variation on a dice game (very fun to play when you've had a few).  If you hit it in the left rough, you get an L, right rough an R and hit the fairway a C.  But, what about those pesky par threes or, god forbide, you dribble it off the tee.  Well, if you miss the green on a 3, you give yourself an X, same if you dribble it.  So we'll see how it works.  Most C's wins but then you can also see where you went haywire by hitting too much to the left or to the right. 

We, like all groups, have our nay sayers and chronic complainers.  I tend to view everything with a sense of humor.  We'll see how that will work.

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