Sunday, July 29, 2012

The "doers" and the "don'ters...

We have 80 members in our women's golf association.  Of that 80, 24 have volunteered to do something to help the organization STAY an organization.  I recently posted on my blog all of the volunteer jobs we need to fill every year.  But of those 24 that have volunteered,
10 have done so on a repeated basis.  I, for one, have been in every position on the board, have been hospitality chair and have chaired all the major tournaments as well as being the chair emeritus of our Solheim Cup.  Why is it that some will and some will never?  Let me get all philosophical on you for a moment.  Is it like our overall society?  There are those that contribute and those that don't?  That's is probably too harsh for a statement about a women's golf association.  But for those of us that do, over and over and over, look at those that don't, over and over and over, we ask why the hell not?  What?  We're not busy?  We don't have busy lives?  Yes, I am aware that some have children, some grandchildren and some work full time.  So, I'll sort of excuse you.   In our organization, the toughest job and the most time consuming is that of the COO, the Golf Coordinator.  I talked about that in an earlier post.  The next is that of the President.  Now, if the President wants it to be a no brainer, she can always just follow in the foot steps of the past President.  But like the President of the United States, she either wants power (not usually our motive but we've seen a few...) or wants to make changes to the organization.  And for those of us who wanted to make changes, we hope they were for the better (so far so good).  The Treasurer usually is an accountant type and all of the books are on the computer in files, so a little time, once a quarter and checking up on budgets.  The others on the board don't have to spend much time on their job.  But I will say that the Secretary on our board is also the liaison for our 9 hole group and she does work her tail off trying to make sure our 9 hole group stays viable.

The three other major jobs are the chairs of our Member Member and Member Guest as well as the chair of our Match Play competition.  For the tournaments, our ladies do volunteer and volunteer.  We do have issues at some point with getting girls to play the match play but only because of travel schedules etc.

But why can't we get the other ladies to pony up and say, you know what?  I haven't done anything to help out.  I'll volunteer a few hours of my time every 4-5 weeks to make sure our organization remains the fun and competitive organization it is.  Now that I think about this, I know that many of our golfers also play bridge.  And they agree to play bridge every week or else they have to find a replacement.  Why can't they do that for us?  And let the rest of us retire...but still give our much needed opinion...

A Woman Who Loves Golf

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