Sunday, May 26, 2013

UBF....Come on. You Know You're Curious.

I have a girl friend who is a very good golfer. I think she's a 6 or 7 handicapper.  She is also a staunch Catholic girl.  Went to Catholic schools all of her life. (It doesn't really matter the religion.  I'm just trying to make a point.) I've never heard her say one curse word.  Now, we have a mutual nemesis golfer.
 She gets on EVERY BODIES nerves.  You say the sky is blue.  She says, no it isn't.  It's pink and that's because I know better.  Seriously.  So, my good Catholic girlfriend and I are playing on a long par 4.  It normally takes a 12 or lower handicapper to get on in two.  She gets on in two.  She "wheews", I hardly ever get on in two.  I look at her and say the nemesis's name and that the nemesis says she always gets on in two.  My Catholic friend, without a pause says, well  "La dee f*cking da!"  I thought I was going to wet my pants I was laughing so hard.

It's interesting to listen to women on the golf course.  Another friend and I were opining that when we come out to play golf, we really should THINK about what we're doing as opposed to just swinging at the ball.  That lasted about 5 minutes until we were on to movies, books, cooking, so and so did this and so and so did that.  We continued to just swing at the ball.  Shame on us.  But I am digressing a bit because I wanted to write about women and cursing or lack there of on the course.  One friend, when she hits a bad shot, says, oh buggers.  My favorite term for myself, and where I heard this, wait,  I think it was Larry David, is mashugana,  a Jewish term for dumbas* or jackas*.  Another friend, who also isn't a big swear words person, will say, OK, I'm dropping the "F" bomb.  I'm sure you've heard of the acronym LOFT.  Another lady I play with uses this acronym freely.  When she hits the ball in the water, creek, shanks, pulls etc, she simply looks down and says, well, that was simply a lack of f*cking talent.  So I came up with the acronym UBF.  It can be used for a good shot or a bad one.  A good shot...I'll yell, "UBF"...U be fine.  A bad shot...I'll yell, "UBF"...U be f*cked...Should go in the Urban Dictionary baby.

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