As I watched this, I thought to myself how many of these can you apply to women? After further perusal, I'd say all of them in one form or another. So here's the list and enjoy.
1. Inevitably doesn't strap the bag on correctly and it falls off of the cart. Since I belong to a private club, the carts guys put the bag on the cart but there have been times when MY HUSBAND has put the bag on and it's fallen off.
2. The sand trapped. I must admit I have done this. Only a couple of times ;) You get in a trap and can't get out and then dig a hole to China trying to get out. I've seen my share of men angrily beating the cr*p out of a bunker, they're so angry that they can't get out.
3. Only the shadow knows...the person who doesn't pay attention, particularly on the putting green, as to where their shadow falls. Oh, look...You have a hole in your head!
4. Excuses, excuses, excuses. It's too hot, it's too cold, my head hurts, my back hurts, the ground is too wet, the ground is too dry, there's not enough grass, the wind was blowing the wrong way...yada yada yada.
5. The lie improver...This I see all of the time. But it's usually done during a casual round of vacation golf. Go ahead move it. Don't hurt yourself. But I know men who do this all of the time, even in the fairway. Taking their club and moving the ball around. And during a friendly round with money involved. Not good.
6. The tee box talker...I actually know a lady who talk sduring her practice swing, her back swing and doesn't stop until she begins her down swing. But this is more about people talking at the tee box while you are setting up to swing. I know a couple of husbands who do this constantly while their wives are trying to drive but if we did this while they were swinging, well, God forbid...
7. The over estimater...I was on a golf trip with some girls and one of the ladies can hit a long drive, maybe 200- 220 yards. But the operative word is CAN. So the foursome in front of us is about 100 yards from the green and it's a 320 yard par 4. So she looks at one of the other players and says, go ahead, you can hit. I might hit into them. Well, the lady she says this to is an older lady but CAN connect to the ball. This comment made her mad. So she proceeded to wallop the ball and ended up out driving the other lady who had hit hers into the woods.
8. The mood swing...see my blog on women and menapause.
9. The rage monster...I've actually only encountered this two or three times, with women as culprits, and I found it very embarrassing... for them.
10. The untrustworthy score keeper...this is a real problem with women who are menopausal or post menopausal. It's the forgetfulness thing. But I do have some friends that are ADHD and just are moving so fast, they forget strokes. But we do have women who will try to not count a penalty or call one on themselves. And we know who you are...
11. Too many practice swings...I recently played in our state's women's team championship and my partner and I ended up playing with one of these. My Lord, she'd take three practice swings digging up the tee box and NEVER, EVER, ONCE filling with sand. She'd do the same with chip shots, short iron shots, pitch shots. I felt sorry for Mother Earth.
12. The rules enforcer...nuff said. The question they call them on themselves?
13. The incessant ball retriever...this is more of a senior men's stereotype...Sorry. I guess that is, in and of itself, stereotyping.
14. Walking on the line of a putt. You've just gotta say, listen, don't do that again...
15. That's playable...No. No it's not. You're not Phil Michelson nor are you Anika Sorenstam. Take the drop. I read somewhere that if you can hit the ball 75% of the time from that location, do it. Otherwise...penalty, drop.
16. The slow player. See my blog-Deliberate=slow
If you have others, let me know...
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